While children can certainly be successful studying languages in the middle and high school years, studies show that children are more likely to develop language proficiency and native accents when a foreign language is introduced during the earliest stages of cognitive development — even as early as 6 months old.

Learning a second language actually enhances a child’s English language skills. According to linguists and child development experts, children who learn second and even third languages acquire vocabulary at the same age and rate as children who speak English only, and they do not experience any long-term language delays. In fact, regular study of a foreign language is statistically proven to improve a child’s skill, vocabulary, and comprehension of his or her native language.

Most experts agree that a child becomes bilingual most easily and naturally in a home of bilingual parents where one parent speaks exclusively to his/her child in the native language. However, the benefits of introducing and exposing your child to a second language at an early age are tremendous. While immersed in weekly or bi-weekly Spanish classes, children are exposed to the distinct phonetic sounds of Spanish and are taught vocabulary and conversational skills that can easily be incorporated into their daily lives. Each session, Clubhouse parents are provided with a parent education book that enables them to reinforce and practice the Spanish vocabulary and songs learned each week. Periodic take-home activities and games supplement the Spanish lessons presented throughout the session. You will be amazed at how quickly your child will start singing songs and using the skills they have learned at the Spanish Clubhouse.

Lyrics are provided for the songs used in class as well as information on where you can purchase the CDs. We often tell parents to not worry so much about pronunciation while singing and talking to your child in class. Practice makes perfect, so practice, practice, practice! If you’re excited about learning Spanish, your child will be too!

No additional materials are required for classes at the Spanish Clubhouse. The Spanish Clubhouse uses songs from numerous artists and CDs and has received permission to reprint the lyrics but not the music. Each lyric sheet provides information on how to buy the corresponding CD.

No refunds will be given after the start of a session. A session credit will be issued for any unused classes. Cancellations made within 7 days prior to the start date are eligible for refund of the session fee. Registration fees are non-refundable.